What is the difference between rendering NPI and billing NPI?

The rendering NPI is assigned to individual healthcare providers involved in patient care. This could be doctors, nurse practitioners, psychologists, or other healthcare professionals who directly provide care to patients. The rendering NPI is used to identify the specific provider who delivered services to the patient.

The billing NPI is used in administrative and billing procedures. It can be assigned to an individual, such as a solo practitioner, or an organization, such as a clinic, hospital, or group practice. The billing NPI is used to identify the entity that is responsible for billing and receiving payment from insurance companies.

In a typical scenario, if a mental health practitioner is part of a larger organization or group practice, their individual NPI (rendering NPI) would be used to indicate who provided the service, while the organization's NPI (billing NPI) would be used to indicate where the payment should be sent. But if a practitioner is in a solo practice, their individual NPI would serve as both the rendering and billing NPI.

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