How do I send a message to a patient/client?

Messaging patients/clients is made to look and work like a standard email program while being HIPAA compliant and integrated with your charts. Read on to learn more. 

1. You can use the ''Shortcuts'' menu by selecting the chart and clicking on ''Send a message'' from the ''Go to'' dropdown. 


1. Click "compose new" from your home page section. 


1. Click "Compose New" from your "Messages" section. 

2. Add the patient's/client's name in the "To" field. 

3. On "Add to Chart of" drop-down you can choose whether or not you want to add the message to the patient's/client's chart.

4. Add a "Subject" to your message.

5. After composing your message, scroll down to click on ''Send" to send the message to the patient/client portal, or "Draft" if you want to save the message and continue working on it later on. The "Send + Add to chart" may be disabled/enabled, depending on your preference (refer to step #3). 

Note: When sending or forwarding messages to multiple recipients, please remember that each recipient's name and all content will be visible to all recipients. We encourage you to exercise caution.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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