How can I check if my admin document has been electronically signed by the patient/client?

After a patient/client completes an administrative document, you can confirm if it has been signed by following these steps:

1. Go into a patient's chart through the ''Shortcuts'' menu on the home page by selecting ''Chart Dashboard'' from the ''Go to'' dropdown menu, as shown below: 

2. Click on ''Entries'', then on ''All Entries''.

3. Scroll down to the corresponding entry and the patient's/client's signature will show up on the bottom section.

You can also export the entry as a printable PDF file where the patient's/client's signature, as well as a timestamp, can be seen, by following these steps:

1. Add the entry to the chart.

2. Click on the checkbox next to the entry that was just added to the chart.

3. On the ''I want to...'' drop-down box, hover over ''Export'' and then choose ''Selected to PDF''.

4. The PDF file that is generated will contain the electronic signature. In case it was signed by a caretaker, you will also be able to see the relationship with the patient/client. 

That's it!! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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