What are modifier codes and how are they used?

Modifier codes may be required to bill for certain procedures, such as when providing telehealth services. Subscribers to our partner, ApexEDI, can have these codes automatically included in their claims with just a click.

You can add a modifier code when you add a transaction. 

Note: If you select modifier code while creating a Billing transaction and later try to submit this transaction for a claim, that modifier code will be pre-selected by default in the claim submission.

1. Go to the patient's chart through "Charts>Billing>All transactions". Now click on "Add transaction."

2. Choose the modifier code from the drop-down.

3. Click on the "Add transaction" button.

You can also add a modifier code when you are billing from a note.

You can also add the modifier code at the time of submitting the claim. Here's how:

1. After adding the transaction, click on the drop-down arrow and select "Submit claim". 

2. Add the modifier code (under 24d)

Note: Modifier codes do not appear in PDF billing statements. They are only for in-network claim submission via ApexEDI.

That's it!! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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