How do I manage allergies within iPrescribe?

Clinicians and Clinical Staff have the ability to manage allergies within iPrescribe. From the patient/client summary screen, you can indicate "No Known Drug Allergies (NKDA)" by tapping on the link, or search for an allergy by tapping "Add".

1. Search for the medication you wish to add as an allergy. You will see that results begin to display as you type.

2. Tap on the correct medication name to select it. Related medications can also be viewed by tapping on the "Related" dropdown.

3. Next, enter an onset date (if applicable), and choose a reaction. Please note that the system defaults to an unspecified reaction. However, you can choose from pre-populated reactions or enter a reaction at the bottom of the screen.

4. When finished, tap the "Create Allergy" button.

That's it!! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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