How do I export an invoice to PDF?

You can export an invoice to PDF in one of two ways. Read on to learn more:

1. Go into a patient's chart through the ''Shortcuts'' menu on the home page by selecting ''View billing'' from the ''Go to'' dropdown menu, as shown below:

2. Click on ''Billing'' and then on the ''Invoice Tracker'' tab. 

3. Click on the dropdown menu next to the invoice that you'd like to export to PDF, and select the option, ''Export as PDF''. 

  • You can also click on the invoice number to be taken to the ''Invoice Preview'' screen.

  • From where you'll be able to click on ''Print'' and then, on the ''arrow'' or ''Printer'' icon to download or print as shown on point #4.

4. The PDF file will be displayed on your screen and you can download by clicking on the ''arrow'' button or print it by clicking on the ''Printer'' icon. Note: To learn how to force files to open in a new tab, please click here.

That's it! If you have any questions, please contact us

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