How do I enable chart sharing?

Chart sharing can be enabled individually for any clinician in practice by the group owner or a super admin. This is achieved by turning on the permission to ''Allow Group Clinicians To See Chart Notes Of All Clinicians Within A Group.'' This will allow the clinician to see the notes saved by any other colleague, granted that the chart is assigned to both of them. 

Here's how to turn this permission on:

1. On the ''Owner'' menu, click on ''Account''. 

2. Click on the ''Group Users'' tab. 

3. Click on ''Edit Permissions'' next to the clinician for whom you'd like to enable chart sharing. 

3. Scroll down to the ''Miscellaneous'' section and click on the button next to ''Allow Group Clinicians To See Chart Notes Of All Clinicians Within A Group''. Then, click on ''Save''. 

5. Now, when a chart where another clinician had previously composed and saved notes is assigned to a clinician with this permission active, all notes will be visible. 

If you have any questions, please contact us

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