How do I make a chart "active" in my group?

In a Group practice, only the Owner and Super Admin roles have the ability to make charts "Active." If, for some reason, a chart has been inactivated in your roster, here's a step-by-step illustration of how to make it "active" again:

1. Under the "Owner" tab, select "Charts."

2. In "Charts", click on the "Filter List" dropdown menu, select "Inactive" from the filters and click on "Apply".

3. Find the appropriate patient/client and click on the checkbox next to their name. 

4. Go to the "I want to.." dropdown menu, scroll down to "Change Status", and select "Active." 

5.  A success notification appears in a banner above, and the chart is longer in the "Inactive" list.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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