How do I manually refund a transaction in Payconex?

Here's how you can manually refund a transaction in Payconex. 

  1. From your Payconex dashboard, go to "reports," and click on "Transaction Search."

  1. Enter your search criteria, like the last four digits of the credit card or patient name, in the search bar, and click on "Search."

  1. Click on the "X" icon next to the transaction you want to refund.

  1. Click on "Refund Transaction."

  1. For a partial refund, change the amount to what you want to refund, and click on "Refund Transaction."

Note: Refunds that are processed through Payconex will not auto-update the patients'/clients' transaction list on Luminello. This must be done manually with the steps outlined here.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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