Tell me more about enhanced messaging

Premium subscribers can take advantage of the following enhanced messaging features:

  • Out of Office Auto-Reply
  • Custom Signature
  • Read Receipt

Read on to learn more!

Out of Office Auto-Reply

1. From your main dashboard, click on "Messages."

2. Go to "Settings."

3. Scroll down to the "Auto-responder" section, and check "Auto-responder on." 

4. Choose how often you want the auto-responder email to be sent. 

5. And below, add your auto-responder message. 

6. Click "Save."

Custom Signature

1. You can add a custom signature in the Messages>Settings section under "Email Signature."  2. Scroll down to click "Save."


1. You can see if patients/clients are reading your messages by going to your "Sent Items" in "Messages."

2. If the message were read, you would see a green checkmark with "Read" next to it. 

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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