How do I book, cancel, or reschedule an appointment?

Booking, canceling, and rescheduling an appointment is easy, and quick pop-ups guide you to help you complete each process. Read on for a step-by-step guide or watch a video here: 

Booking an appointment

Here's how to book an appointment:

1. From the main dashboard, click on "Calendar."


You can also schedule a follow-up appointment from the "compose note" section. Click on the "Action" drop-down, and select "Book appointment." The calendar will open in a new tab. 2. Click on a time slot to start creating an appointment. 3. Enter the appointment details in the "Calendar Event" screen, and click on "Create event." 

To book a recurring appointment, follow the steps in this article

Canceling an appointment

1. Click on the event you want to cancel. 

2. You can click "Cancel & Notify" if you want to cancel the appointment and notify the patient. By clicking "Cancel," the patient will not be notified. 

Rescheduling an appointment

1. Go to the event you want to reschedule, and click on "Edit event." 

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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