What are the types of rating scales I can use?

There are many types of rating scales available and depending upon your requirements, you can use the different rating scales at your disposal. Below are some examples:

1. PHQ - 9

2. GAD - 7

3. MDQ

4. ADHD Self-Report

5. Vanderbilt Rating Scale - Parent - Initial

6. Vanderbilt Rating Scale - Parent - Follow-up

7. Vanderbilt Rating Scale - Teacher - Initial

8. Vanderbilt Rating Scale - Teacher - Follow-up

9. Clinical Global Impression

Now that you've reviewed some of the rating scales available, you can view the steps below to send a rating scale to a patient/client to be completed. In this case, we've taken an example of the PHQ-9 rating scale.

1. Go into a patient's chart through the ''Shortcuts'' menu on the home page by selecting ''Chart Dashboard'' from the ''Go to'' dropdown menu, as shown below:

2. Click on the "I want to..." button and select "Send Form' in the dropdown menu.

3. Select the rating scale that you would like to send. For example, I have chosen PHQ-9 here. 

4. Once selected, click in the "Send to" field and choose the patient/client name from the list that will be automatically populated. Then, click on "Send to portal".

5. Once sent, the patient/client will able to see the rating scale in the "Documents" area.

6. The patient/client will fill out and submit the form. You will receive a notification that a new rating scale is available for review. You can see the completed rating scale in Charts>Entries>All Entries.

To see how the rating scale counts/adds the ratings, please click here

That's it!! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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