How do I see what services I still need to submit to insurance?

Here's an easy way to see all the pending transactions to be submitted to insurance:

1. From the main dashboard, click on ''Financial''. 

2. On the ''All Transactions'' tab, click on the ''Filter List'' dropdown menu and select ''Services not submitted to insurance''. Then, set the ''Date Range'' fields as desired and click on ''Apply''. 

3. Every transaction that has not been submitted to insurance in your practice across all patient's/client's charts, even if those transactions have been added to an invoice, will be displayed. 

You can also click on the dropdown menu to search for a specific patient's/client's transactions. 

4. Click on the dropdown menu next to the transaction to display the options to ''Edit'', ''Delete'' and ''Mark as won't submit''. Note: To learn more about the ''Mark as won't submit'' option, please click here

5. To submit the transaction to insurance, first select the patient/client in the dropdown menu on the top. 

6. Click on the checkbox next to the transaction that you will submit to insurance. Then, click on the ''I want to...'' dropdown menu and hover over ''Insurance'' with your mouse. Finally, click on ''Submit''. 

7. Complete the insurance claim submission form and ensure that all required fields have been filled out.  

8. Once ready, scroll down and click on ''Submit''.

If you have any questions, please contact us

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