What information can I find in my charts' Rx "Other Info" section?

The "Other Info" section in the Rx tab of Luminello provides valuable information and insights related to diagnoses, allergies, electronic prescriptions (E-Rx), and active medications. Here's a breakdown of what you'll find in this section:

Diagnoses Log

This log displays the diagnosis codes and descriptions for a given patient. It also includes the name of the clinician who entered the diagnosis and the date the diagnosis was set.

Allergies Log

This log contains a detailed list of a patient's allergies. Information includes the substance causing the allergic reaction, the NDCID (National Drug Directory), the allergic reaction itself, the date it was documented, and the current status of the allergy.

E-Rx Log

This log tracks the prescriptions that have been sent electronically. It provides comprehensive details about each prescription, making it self-explanatory to read and understand.

Active Medications Log

This log presents all the active medications prescribed to the patient, along with all related details for each medication.

The "Other Info" section is essentially a comprehensive logbook for all prescription-related activity within Luminello, providing clinicians with crucial information at a glance. Always ensure to check this section for a complete overview of a patient's medication history and other relevant information.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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