How can I check if a pharmacy has controlled-substance e-prescribing enabled?

Here's how to check if controlled-substance e-prescribing is enabled for a pharmacy:

  1. From the main dashboard, click on ''Charts'' and navigate to a chart.
  2. From the chart, click on the ''Rx'' tab.

  3. From the ''Send E-rx'' tab, scroll down to the ''Patient Advisory'' section. The pharmacy dropdown menu can be found under the patient's name and DOB.

  4. Click on the orange magnifier icon to search for a pharmacy.

  5. Check the ''EPCS enabled'' checkbox, enter a preferred address and click on ''Search.''

  6. A list of all EPCS-enabled pharmacies in that area will be displayed.

  7. You can also check if a pharmacy is EPCS-enabled from the main Rx dashboard if an (E) shows up next to the pharmacy's name and ID number, as shown below:

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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