Oh no, my draft disappeared! What happened?

To protect your data, Luminello auto-saves your notes every two minutes.  However, in the following scenarios, it may appear your draft is lost:

  • The same note is being edited in more than one tab or window
  • You have clicked "Save as a draft", but the same note is being edited in another tab or window

Why?  Because in every open tab, your note is continuously auto-saving.  So the draft in the tab you are not working on will also auto-save.  Later, when you go to retrieve your draft, we display the most recent draft - so if the draft in the tab you are not working was most recently auto-saved (even if you click "save as a draft" in the other tab), it will appear as if you have lost your note.

To retrieve your old draft, go to Charts>Entries, find the draft, click on the dropdown on the right, choose "Version History" and pick the version you wish to retrieve.

That's it! If you have any questions, please contact us.

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