How can I use a portal message to notify my patients about my upcoming migration to SimplePractice?

Upon the successful completion of your migration to SimplePractice, an automated email will be sent to both patients and family members. This email will invite them to sign in to their accounts, where they can access vital information regarding your transition:

Notification email received by patients and family members post-migration to SimplePractice.

Each time patients and family members log in to Luminello after your account is on ''Read-only mode'' or ''Export-only'' mode, they will be greeted with a notification letting them know of upcoming changes.

Your account's portal message will be displayed in the ''Notes from your clinician'' section, allowing you to convey essential information about the migration process to your patients:

Note: For a tutorial on how to edit your portal message, please click here.

Read-only mode notification for patients
Export-only mode notification for patients

In scenarios where a patient or family member is associated with multiple practices, a separate message will display for each practice upon logging in. Each message will include the name of the solo clinician or the group practice.

Read-only mode notification for family members
Export-only mode notification for family members

Additionally, for family members, all linked patients who are assigned to the respective practice will be listed within the message.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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